Each and every week I find myself growing into a stronger and better person in life. I have to thank this class for most of my personal growth because I've learned how to have compassion on others, through this class. Two weeks ago I told you all about my friend who has found out that she is now HIV positive. Last weekend my friend asked me if I would like to join her as she gave her parents the news of her diagnosis.
As I had previously promised my friend, I told her I'd be there with her whenever she needed me. As we drove to her parent's home she was very nervous about how they would conceive her and how they would now treat her. Sitting in her livingroom, she began to cry so hard, her parents knew something was wrong with her. She finally managed to tell her parents she was HIV positive. Much to my surprise. Her parent's reacted just as we hoped they wouldn't. Her mom began to cry, and her dad's face went sour. They began to scold her for not being responsible. Her mom began to scream at her and call her things, I could never imagine my mom ever saying to me.
It was at this point that I was able to share information I've learned in this class with her parents. I enlightened them on different support groups and how my friend could become a spokesperson and share her story with other young people. Her parent's were still a bit startled about all of the news they'd received but after I shared information with them that I'd learned from this class and by reading other's blogs...they realized it was not the end of the world for their daughter.
Did you know...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 40,049 cumulative cases of AIDS among people ages 13 to 24 through 2004 and of course these numbers are growing daily (CDC, 2005).
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, most young adults are afraid to tell their parents they are HIV positive and some even wait months after they have found out about the virus, before they tell their parents.
I believe a lot of young people fear their parent's reactions, but it is important for them to let their parent's know their situation.
This class has taught me so much, I love being able to share what I have learned and reading what others have learned as well.