Confidentiality when it comes to HIV/AIDS is very important. I believe more individuals would be willing to get HIV tests, if they were more informed on the confidentiality and security provided to individuals being tested for HIV, and those who have HIV.
Many countries have passed confidentiality laws in order to protect the people of that country. South Africa like many other countries have laws that assure the patients that their personal health information will not be disclosed to others.
According to the Section 14 of the Constitution of South Africa Act, No. 108 of 1996, all individuals with HIV and AIDS as well, has the right to privacy. This means, all testing information including results or status may not be disclosed by the health professional to anyone who is not a healthcare professional. If the information is disclosed, it can only be shared with the Physician directly assigned to the individual with HIV (HIV/AIDS Policy, 2001). The disclosure of this information is considered a breach of doctor-patient confidentiality and is punishable by the medical board if reported (HIV/AIDS Policy, 2001).
I believe it is policies like this one that give us hope. If more individuals knew their personal information would not be disclosed then, more would be willing to get tested. Getting tested is the important key of successfully fight HIV/AIDS.
South Africa's laws sound like our laws here in America. I agree with these laws. I think everyone should have the right to privacy. Even though it might be a pain in the butt to have to drive all the way back to the office to pick up your test results, it is better than having information accidentally be given out to the wrong people.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you totally. I am sure that many people are afraid to get tested because they probably think that everyone in the world will know that they are positive. It's not like the counselors giving you the test are going to make a facebook page saying "So-and-so is HIV Positive" join this group! I think that confidentiality laws are important but it also important for people who are HIV positive to be responsible and inform others that they have/will be with in the future about their condition.
ReplyDeleteThis week we did the Couseling and Testing module for the course. I learned alot from my counselor about the confidential and anonymous HIV test. I think that if high school sutdent learned that they can get anonymous and FREE test done it would help with more people getting tested. Maybe not then if the student was not sexualy active (or maybe they are) but in the future they could take advantage of such a test if they knew. Lets hope that stimga goes away and test become more regular in our society.
ReplyDeleteLove your pictures that go along with your theme for the week.
ReplyDeleteWhere is your general blog and your Did You Know section?
We have such policies in the State of Florida. Perhaps if they were publicized more people would take the test, just as you have suggested. However, so many people mistrust the government that it will be a barrier to testing.
Your pictures are great and very appropriate. I also believe that more people would get HIV tested if they knew their information would not be disclosed. From doing research on confidentiality, I realize how strictly it is taken. I also think it is great that if you knowingly have HIV, you are required by law to inform your partner of your status. This again, protects the person with HIV, but also protects the person that could potentially be exposed.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Teach that if there was more publicity about testing, more people would take advantage of it.