This course has really helped me to increase my knowledge about the HIV virus. Not only has this course taught me alot about the virus, it has also taught me alot about life as well. This course has taught me not to be judgemental. Before taking this class, I too was ignorant to many of the facts about HIV. I knew that anyone could contract HIV in certain circumstances, but I'd still kept my own personal stigma on the virus as well. As bad as it may sound, I always felt that most of the individuals who contracted HIV were either homosexual or individuals involved in risky activities: unprotected sex, drug users, needle sharers, etc. I did not realize that the there is a large percentage of individuals who contract the disease from blood transfusions or even at birth.
Each week I enjoy reading the blogs of my fellow classmates. I have learned many interesting facts and statistics that I was not aware of . Each week I look to forward to reading the blogs to learn as much as I can about the virus.
Education is the key. The more we know about the virus, the better off we will be.
Did you know...
In 2008, 74% of all HIV cases where males. Of those 74%, 27% were heterosexual. In 2007 33.2 million people were estimated to be living with HIV, 2.5 million people became newly infected and 2.1 million people died of AIDS (CDC, 2008). The virus is growing and spreading more each year. It is important that we take a stand and speak out.